Wish me some teeth please.

Candice Shea Maxwell
2 min readJul 16, 2020


I still (STIIIILLLLL) do not have my denture. It has been half a month since my surgery. That’s a lot of soup folks.

Rachael and I had to save our greenhouse from a wicked storm that hit Charleston last week. It literally bent in some of the metal and chucked over half the plastic panels out. We found some of them clear across the property. But the tisane babies are fine and they are flourishing now in the summer weather!

I decided to change my BYOB. I was looking at doing a Public Relations DIY MFA type book and I may still post about my Public Relations knowledge but thanks to my memoir class being taught by WV author Cat Pleska I have been writing a lot more about myself and my thoughts.

At our first class I wrote a piece about finding out about having to lose my teeth and how painful that day was. She has since encouraged me to expand on my traumatic medical/health experiences. They are at times relatable. And at other times they are like a car crash. You won’t be able to look away.

Cat has been providing us with writing activities and prompts each week, so I plan to post those little gems as they are polished as well. In the mean time, wish me some teeth please.



Candice Shea Maxwell

“And if I see you, how it changes me. And if you see me, how it changes you.” — Andrew Bird