My 2016 Reading Challenge Failure
Every year I set a Goodreads book goal, which I never meet, haha, but this year I decided to also try one of the many popular challenges floating around Facebook. While technically I could have used a few of these books for more than one check mark, I decided not to take the easy route!
I really should have though, because I failed pretty miserably at both this list and my Goodreads challenge. First, let’s look at what I did manage to check off from the 2016 Reading Challenge.
A book published this year…The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos. 4 out of 5. She is a wonderful, young author and I loved this book. It was the perfect mix of possible magic and definite mystery.
A book you can finish in a day…The West Virginia Pulp Paper Edition of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. 3 out of 5. This book is worth $100–300 online. We got it in Lewisburg for 10! It had wonderful additions. I liked this story, though the Tim Burton movie really takes this snippet tale and develops it into something more interesting and complex.
A book chosen by your spouse…Yes Please by Amy Poehler. 4 out of 5. Though I wish I could give it a 4.5. Despite where it falls in this list, Yes Please is actually the last book I read in 2016. It’s 12 am on New Years Eve and I just finished this book. It is wonderful. It was funny, honest and I feel like I actually learned a lot of little lessons.
A book you previously abandoned…Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by JK Rowling. 3 out of 5. I “abandon” books all the time. I am really bad about it actually, but I picked this one because it’s a book I shouldn't have “put down” and frankly it shouldn't have taken me a month to read it. It’s just a 300 page script. I pre-ordered this book EARLY and got it the day after it came out. I would have picked it up at the midnight premier but we were at a wedding. I’m glad this book was written and that they did a play, but I, like many others, was heavily disappointed. Not sad I read it, just felt this one needed a bit of explaining. Cause it’s Harry Potter…
A book you’ve already read at least once…A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L’Engle. 5 out of 5. One of my all time favorite books. I am glad I went through this again. It is one of the most quotable books I have ever read.
So, as you can see I managed to check off 5 books from a list of 12. Not even half. As for Goodreads, I managed to get 13 of my 25 book challenge, so better, but not great. I’m not really making resolutions for 2017, because if you know me at all you know how laughable basic goals are. I do hope though that I read more. Happy New Years!