I have teeth — a reflection.
So…I have teeth.
I’ve actually had them since last Wednesday, but I wasn’t ready to write about it yet. Wanted to marinate on the experience first.
What is it like to be thirty and have upper dentures?
Um. Weird?
I have a horrible gag reflex so I randomly gag or cough weird.
It feels like wearing Halloween teeth 24/7 without the fun spoopy look that comes with those teeth. I have yet to not notice the bulk.
Smiling is really weird, but everyone assures me it’s because I haven’t had teeth for so long and because I haven’t smiled with teeth probably since I was 7, so I never learned what a big toothy grin should look like. To me, it appears so gummy and fake.
Talking can be hard because I have a tiny mouth as is, so T’s go straight to a lisp and some sounds make me whistle. I feel like that old man from Family Guy…
Eating really isn’t easier except biting off things that I would normally tear into pieces first. It seems more for aesthetics in public than anything. I actually prefer not wearing them at home, but that’s probably because I didn’t have teeth FOR ALMOST 100 DAYS.
Sorry. Anyways.
My denture causes me sores on my gums, but my special mouth rinse should help with that.
Things get caught in the teeth of my denture like normal teeth. HOW IS THAT FAIR?
I am going to keep trying. Wearing them, learning to talk in them. I am assured by many that this is best for me and that they look really good, so I am going to trust my Dr’s and peers and keep on smiling.