Candice Shea Maxwell
1 min readSep 6, 2022

Doctor Anxiety Woes

I don’t think I’ll ever get over the anxiety I feel at the doctor but in no way do doctors offices help. No matter how early or late or on time I arrive I end up waiting at least like 30 minutes past my scheduled appointment. During those 30 minutes the anxiety builds and builds in me. I debate leaving. I develop Karen traits. Like why did that woman get to go when I know her appointment was at two but you said she could go early but I’ve been sitting here 30 mintues?!

It’s really not my place to know but it does remind me while I am constantly doing a dance of trying to avoid doctors while trying to appease my primary.

My life has been one disappointing trip to the doctor but what’s the alternative? Continue being sick 4 months straight each time we get a new foster placement? I don’t think so.

Candice Shea Maxwell

“And if I see you, how it changes me. And if you see me, how it changes you.” — Andrew Bird